Saturday, August 6, 2011

97 F150 Supercab Stepside lifted 4x4

im using my 1:1 as inspiration for my build, but not necessarilly as a replica build. Im using the reissued Revell 97 F150 kit as a basis using drive train pieces from the Linberg 97 F150 4x4 kit. I scratch built the lift modeled after the Fabtech 6" lift on my 1:1. I added a true dual exhaust as well as using the front grille/bumper from the Linberg kit.. I scratch built some rear shocks, added a rear air line for the axle breather (like my 1:1) scratch built some close loop tow hooks, and scratch built a rear hitch



Emmanuel de Graffenried Lucas di Grassi Cecil Green Keith Greene Masten Gregory

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