This is new for me, a completly scratch built chassis and a lot of mixed kit parts. I guess this is a real rat built from stuff laying around the garage. I tried to use other chassis's but I just couldnt get it to feel right, so I went to my hobby shop and got some Evergreen strips and just did it myself. I cheated and ordered a Flinstone body from Evil Bay 15 bucks with shipping.
The chassis is no where near finished. It is just roughed out to fit more pieces in it. I broke it apart many times addding more here an there till I think is about right. Chassis to ground clearance is .100 which would be 2.5 inches in real scale .1 x25=2.5 inches. I used .1 dia styrene rod to establish height.
More to come
Jochen Rindt John RiseleyPrichard Giovanni de Riu Richard Robarts Pedro RodrÃguez
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